Is Tucker Carlson Leading the White Supremacist Movement?

2 years ago

[00:30] Tucker Carlson: Mass Murderer? (34 minutes)

“Tucker Carlson is a leading ideologue in the white supremacist movement,” said Democratic senator Dick Durbin yesterday at the U.S. Senate. “Ten people died in Buffalo,” Durbin continued. “Will Tucker Carlson take 10 minutes to say he’s sorry for any role he might have played in that outcome?” The radical left is using the Buffalo massacre as a cause for de-platforming America’s most-watched conservative news talk show host.

[34:50] Abraham Lincoln and the Bible (20 minutes)

American author Carl Sandburg said of Abraham Lincoln, “He often used Bible language.” Lincoln himself said of the Bible, “In regards to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man.” Lincoln’s history with the Bible is evidence that God shaped his life and presidency in order to save America from sure destruction.

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