VD7-8 Patriots Of Arizona. Host Tim Horn. The Candidates

2 years ago

Rep. Joe Chaplik Q&A Couple minutes. MAAP REAL PRESENT: Patriots Of Arizona.
POA Board Member Tim Horn hosted:
Candidates Night
May 17, 2022 —> Tuesday —>

6:00 PM

Terravita Country Club

34034 N 69th Way, Scottsdale

Meet leading State Legislature and City Council Conservative Candidates

Joe Chaplik
AZ State Legislator running for re-election. Some say he looks to be the best legislator in decades.

Alex Kolodin
Running for AZ State Legislature. Was the legal advisor to the election audit and is now AZGOP attorney.

Jan Dubauskas
Running for AZ State Senate. A corporate lawyer who resigned to help keep her young children free.

Kathy Littlefield
Running for re-election to Scotts-dale City Council. The most consist-ent conservative voice on Council.

Barry Graham
Running for Scottsdale City Council. A veteran of the Transportation and Planning & Development Cttees.

Met and Dialoged with People

who Represent You

The Event is FREE And the Folks enjoyed it, watch it again.
MAAP REAL TALK SHOW Copyrights 2022
Producer Director George Nemeh
Join Patriots of Arizona:

We are an educational organization dedicated to seeking truth and engagement in the public forum. Using frontline speakers, field trips, film, and books to increase member awareness of important local, national, and global issues in the context of America’s founding principles, POA encourages and enables participation in activities that promote the common good. This includes collaborating with other patriotic and grassroots organizations to stand together to protect our rights, values, and founding principles.

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