'I hear I care' - Carl Bromley for Council & Mayor

2 years ago

This is a Rumble reupload from Carl Bromley's Youtube as livestreamed to Facebook originally, to get more reach for the cause, for the message, for Justice and Freedom. Please share around if you feel so inclined.

I intend to give Cantabrians (Those in Christchurch city) as "Darn good LISTENING to!"

Doesn't it seem like 'no one listens' these days?

From central Govt, to local Govt, to Police and other public authorities, the Boss, colleagues, and sadly even in our homes.

What has happened to people that they not longer listen but now the 'cold shoulder'...or the passive aggression of 'Ignoring' has become the accepted fashion?

In my view is part of the fruit of devaluing human beings.

As a candidate for Mayor and Council, I am looking to give the people of Christchurch a good listening to.

I want to hear their hearts, their minds, their concerns and all I can do to help.

I'm looking for administrators who can set up community meetings all over Christchurch to "Listening sessions" and any committed to being on my campaign team to 'shake some trees' and 'rattle cages' to not just win back our once free, safe, caring and thriving city, but to take it beyond!

If you can help; email me: carlbromley@gmail.com

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