Twitter Executive MOCKS Elon Musk for Believing Public Can 'Make Their Own Decision' on Platform

2 years ago

Twitter Executive MOCKS Elon Musk for Believing Public Can 'Make Their Own Decision' on Platform

May 17, 2022

Project Veritas

...'The Rest of Us Who Have Been Here Believe in Something that's Good for the Planet, and Not Just to Give People Free Speech'

• Project Veritas published a new story on Tuesday night featuring footage of Twitter Lead Client Partner, Alex Martinez, discussing the company's ideology, criticizing the acquisition of the company by Elon Musk and, at times, denigrating Musk for his expressed views on free speech.

• Martinez: "Right now, we don't make profit. So, I'm going to say ideology, which is what led us into not being profitable."

• Martinez on free speech: "The rest of us who have been here believe in something that's good for the planet and not to give people free speech."

• Martinez on censorship: "People don't know how to make a rational decision if you don't put out -- correct things that are supposed to be out in the public, right?"

• Martinez on Musk: "Elon Musk as a person is whatever. I don't, like, he's a loony toon. He has, he has Asperger's."

• Martinez on Musk: "He has Asperger's… So he's special. We all know that. And That's fine. So here, no wonder he's going to say some f***ing crazy sh*t because he's special."

[NEW YORK – May 17, 2022] Project Veritas has published the second part of their series on Twitter. This story features undercover footage of Lead Client Partner, Alex Martinez, an employee for the tech giant, who sometimes speaks on behalf of the company at events. This footage shows a very candid Martinez speaking about how the company's "ideology" led them to be less "profitable," among other incendiary comments.

In the video, Alex Martinez also criticizes Elon Musk's vision of free speech on the platform saying, "The rest of us who have been here believe in something that's good for the planet and not just to give people free speech." He also broached the subject of censorship on Twitter saying, "People don't know how to make a rational decision if you don't put out -- correct things that are supposed to be out in the public, right?"

Despite this, Martinez acknowledges that this very reality seems to be what Musk wants to change. "If we're implementing all these rules…and Elon wants to dismantle them, then technically our ideology has led us to not making money because we're not making money, and Elon wants to turn it the other way so that we can make money," Martinez said.

Martinez even made distasteful comments about Musk having Asperger's. "He has Asperger's," Martinez says at one point adding, "so, he's special." Going further, Martinez later says, "We all know that and that's fine. So here, no one's going to say some f**king crazy sh*t because he's special."

Last May, as he was hosting Saturday Night Live, Musk revealed that he was the first person to host the show with Asperger's. In the video published on Tuesday, Martinez can be seen saying, "I'm like- you're special needs! You're literally special needs, literally though, you really are. So, I can't even take what you're saying seriously cause you're special."

Ironically enough, Martinez can also be seen in the footage discussing an internal company memo Twitter administrative staff sent in the aftermath of Project Veritas' first part of the series.

"It's [Project Veritas] like some group that's just trying to out the employees," Martinez says. "Like, they're trying to go on dates with them, like this, and record them."

At the time of this writing, Twitter has yet to respond to a request for comment.



About Project Veritas

James O'Keefe established Project Veritas in 2010 as a non-profit journalism enterprise to continue his undercover reporting work. Today, Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more ethical and transparent society and to engage in litigation to: protect, defend and expand human and civil rights secured by law, specifically First Amendment rights including promoting the free exchange of ideas in a digital world; combat and defeat censorship of any ideology; promote truthful reporting; and defend freedom of speech and association issues including the right to anonymity. O'Keefe serves as the CEO and Chairman of the Board so that he can continue to lead and teach his fellow journalists, as well as protect and nurture the Project Veritas culture.

Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Project Veritas does not advocate specific resolutions to the issues raised through its investigations.


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