Leave law abiding Canadians alone!

2 years ago

Conservative MP Blaine Calkins - Leave law abiding Canadians alone!
Liberal MP Marco Mendicino Minister of Public Safety - Gun ID for purchases initiated. Conservatives have no credibility when it comes to gun crime, they opposed more gun laws.
Conservative MP Luc Berthold Why are the Liberals putting criminals ahead of victims?
Liberal MP Gary Anandasangaree Criminals who commit serious sentences are still held responsible. Repeats himself thrice.
Bloc MP Pierre Paul-Hus - Montreal Police are against Liberal Bill C5.
Conservative MP Rob Moore - C5 is lighter sentences for crimes. Why do victims and criminals not have the same sense of security?
Conservative MP Raquel Dancho This is a back door gun registry that does nothing to address the problems. Gun smuggling and gang activity are real problems.
Conservative MP Bob Zimmer - Increase in gang related homicides but decrease in penalties. Why target law abiding citizens rather than criminals.
Conservative MP Glen Motz - Bill C5 is a gun registry.
Bloc MP Rheal Fortin - Will the government create a registry of criminal organizations?
Bloc MP Kristina Michaud - There is a gang war in Montreal. Why no registry if criminal organizations?

Question Period May 17th, 2022
Canadian Parliament - House of Commons Chamber


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