This looks like the fibres in me and dead people

2 years ago

This could be the fibres in veins and in me face and lower legs it is alive grow big blocking vein we need help no health medicine will solve this if anyone can get these from morg as 90% on said in now from 20 in 30 around a year ago this is number one priority to save us is the fibres we need lab to find ways to kill it and hopefully to slow and kill it 5G and radio frequency emf is making this grow my vervous system vibrate feet to head and I know it inflammation but today at parents were I get ill mostly because I had remdisvir and magnetic even bone marrow muckles my hair were vibrating I took vedeo my hair vibrate fast I was playing with test neater and when I touch my skin my nervous system vibration and stop when I, take off to most won't see it as some denie the little things as nothing but it makes a picture this fiber stuff is in water also made far worse with jabbed or remdisvir as I believe they exactly the same both contain nano self ensemble magnetic nano paryacles causing the emf to react to, emf electro magnetic field then makes those who infected with this cause it to grow rapid from energy weapons I get targeted or become burnt have burn blister around shoulder and chest bio lab leak or deliberately done soft kill this you may think you OK but is thia growing in you we need to stop 5G because this is nothing to what is to come they target me for freedom of speech all I, post is to show others what is to come while we looking at other things if you have lakes water ways or drinking resovwor near you please take a look help peace it all together radio frequency is causing vibration of the body and my nervous system I, get inflammation of hole body I shed skin with chips and I believe graphine I need to find were it is conning from also jell caps or methadone or valum is so small won't know heard it in cornflakes and others had magnet stuck to meat in, packet get strong magnet sheck food water and lower your WiFi and use wire ethernet have WiFi on otg cable at home if using phone and aeroplane mode so no cell data on especially kids at mo they uping output to power the Bluetooth chips in jabbed and remdisvir admin menu Bluetooth snoop go app store low energy Bluetooth scan app you jabbed you will show on proximity with mac code chips Mabe million in body eeg ecg bio Hart beat breathing rt qpcr all in you software of life genocide

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