(Worship) Rivers Of Grace

3 years ago

Written by Frank Mceleny (Sung by Aileen Gilchrist).

Rivers of grace and oceans of love
Is always sufficient is always enough
The heavens shall open and rain down on me
I who was captive now gloriously free

It raises me up to where I belong
That which was weak, is now very strong
This river of grace, this ocean of love
Takes me to places I've never dreamed of

I found the Father without any chart
And Jesus His Son to the depths of His heart
Now Only in thee can I ever abide
In the cleft if the Rock, I forever shall hide

Rivers of grace and oceans of love
My glorious Jesus is more than enough
The heavens wide open rains down upon me
No longer a captive just gloriously set free.

★★ Recommend Book: The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer https://amzn.to/2QDcY8a Website: http://www.sermonindex.net
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