The Conductor

2 years ago

Hi everyone, the rest, my heart. Again, you know, I have had the privilege of working with hundreds of thousands of volunteers and people ask me what that's like. And I say, you know what? It's like being a really good conductor. So what I do is I have people move in this direction, move in that direction for the Conway of hope.

I had people having kids with shoes, others giving them portraits. Even our pregnancy centers were there. We were there directing people in the places that they need to be. You know what? It wasn't Hardy too, because you were there, you came because your heart was in it. I didn't have to force you to be there. So I love,

love, love, love working with volunteers. I'm gonna do the same in the state. People have asked me, well, are you this like an attorney? Or I'm like, no, I don't need to be, you know what I ask, I have the ability to spot really good talent. So that's exactly what I'm going to do is I'm going to work with the best of the best.

And I'm going to say, okay, this is where I need you. You're the best economist. Great. That's where I'm gonna need you. Best attorney. Great. That's where I'm I need you. You're going to be the best at whatever it is that you're the best at your agriculture oil and gas sheriffs law enforcement. I was the chief of police.

Believe it or not. So I know what it's like to put people in the right places and help people stay in their lane. I promise you I will stay in mine, but I need for you to help me to turn this state around. So I thank you so much for coming alongside me again. This is, I thought, what was the hard go to my website?

It's And while you're at it, go ahead. When the context sign up to volunteer, if you like what you see and you want to give us a few dollars, there is a donate button there. I believe the most fun. One is 1776. Let's get back to where this country was great again.

At one point let's make New Mexico the very best that it can be. Thanks.

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