Over 50,000 People Honour WW II Heroes in The Kyrgyz Republic

2 years ago

The Immortal Regiment celebrating heroes who fought against fascism in WW II was held in over 100 countries around the world.
Probably one of the largest, counting Moscow too, was held in the relatively small but very proud nation of Kyrgyzstan with a big brave heart. Over 50,000 people took to the streets to honor their ancestors who fought and many of them gave their lives against the Nazi evil in WW ii that is once again rearing it ugly head again nowadays in the least of the excepted places, in the West.

The new Multipolar World Order, that is just and fair, and not dictated by the corrupt western-based "elites" and Multi-National Corporations is being built across the Eurasian continent, as the French President Charles De Gaul envisaged, Eurasia from Lisbon to Vladivostok. All patriots from oppressed nations in the EU and the West such as Americans, French, Germans, British, Macedonians, Italians, etc are joining the global battle for the heart and soul and future of the mankind, the fight between the evil and the good, the fight that we are going to win!

Proud to be part of it!

For free Kyrgyzstan in free Eurasian Union against the warmongering exploitatory corrupt global "elites".

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