How does the LinkedIn algorithm work? How do you optimize your content?

2 years ago

How does the LinkedIn algorithm decide who to show your posts to? In the video, I explain how the algorithm considers multiple factors to determine the quality of your content and what you can do to optimize your content so LinkedIn decides to show your posts to more people in their newsfeed.

00:00 LinkedIn Algorithm: How to optimize your content
00:10 What is LinkedIn?
01:01 How can businesses attract customers on LinkedIn?
01:13 Build a powerful network on LinkedIn
01:31 Run a paid LinkedIn ads campaign
01:57 Publish high-quality content on LinkedIn
02:31 What happens after you publish a post on LinkedIn?
03:33 Map out your LinkedIn content strategy.
03:50 Add a strong call to action.
04:38 How to build a LinkedIn content funnel?
05:15 Who will see your post on LinkedIn?
05:28 Grow an audience of targeted LinkedIn followers.
05:54 Use industry-specific hashtags on LinkedIn.
06:46 Prioritize passive engagement with your LinkedIn content.
07:16 Active engagement is less important.
07:46 Understand LinkedIn dwell time.
08:15 Optimize your content for dwell time.
08:26 Create a strong hook at the start of each post.
08:37 Get people to click on the "read more" button.
09:17 Write shorter sentences.
09:38 Add line breaks and simplify your words.
10:14 Start each video with your value proposition.
10:44 Speak with high energy.
11:22 Remove all fluff talk from your content.
11:58 How to optimize your LinkedIn content.
12:32 Never overoptimize your LinkedIn content.
14:04 What topics work best on LinkedIn?
15:56 How to build a content business on LinkedIn?



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- Turn your LinkedIn profile into your LinkedIn sales funnel.
- How to get the LinkedIn algorithm to love your content!
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- LinkedIn content creation from A to Z: My top-secret process.
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