Eager to Get in the Game

2 years ago

Have you notice that most people that excel did not come from perfect circumstances?

Hello, I'm Clarence, I'm the preacher, and the good news in this video is that you do not have to have perfect circumstances to excel in Christ. You can live an abundant life today even though your yesterdays were anything but abundant. Let's jump into this topic, starting right now.

Full video at: https://youtu.be/cpkgwkHvLN4

Most of our bible heroes came from some form of disadvantage. Every bible hero could give you a list of reasons why they should just stay on the side lines. Some, like David, were chomping at the bit, eager to go. But, others, like Moses, were not eager to go. If you read about Moses at the burning bush, Moses is actually making excuses as to why he is not the man for the job.

Now, let that soak in for a moment. The very God of heaven has come down to enlist you in his plan, and you start explaining to the all knowing and all powerful God, that He has made a mistake in picking you. Excuse me. Are you really going to argue with God? Well, Moses did just exactly that.

The point is that we can all come up with reasons why we cannot excel. Or we can trust that "god don't make no junk," and come up with reasons why we can excel. We can make excuses, or we can look at the 12 apostles, that we not men of great talent, see how God used them, and conclude that if God can work through them, then God can work through us.

If that is still not getting through, then go read the story of Balaam's donkey. If God can work through a donkey, then you and I don't have an excuse.

Excelling in Christ is not about where we come from. It is about God working through us, Ephesians 3:20. It is not about where we come from but where we are going. It is not about who we used to run with, but that we walk with God, now.

Obstacles are part of the straight and narrow way. Too many people are waiting for God to take away the difficulties of the narrow way. When God makes it broad and wide, then they will get serious about their journey, but they will never get serious because the specialize in "can't" rather than "can."

Segments of modern religion have sold the idea of a soft and cushy Christianity, but they did not get that idea out of the bible. Paul wrote Acts 14:22 and Romans 12:1-2 to encourage Christians through the tough times.

The people that excel in life, understand that excelling is not all sunshine and roses, but involves a lot of taking up ones cross and following Jesus.


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