The Plan For Mankind Extinction Event on the Horizon

2 years ago

The Plan For Mankind: Event Extinction
Accelerated Depopulation Agenda 2030
Reduction from 7.5 Billion to 500-800 Million

1. Fluoride Poisoning by water. Dumbs down the population. Makes them docile and less aggressive.

2. Neurotoxic Chemtrails released into the air. BAAL. Heavy metals cause dementia, cancer, MS, and other brain and respiratory injuries including death.

3. Man made Flu with Deadly Vaccination (2019-2023) Covid-19 Unleashed with Variants. Heart disease, HIV/AIDS and Cancers on the rise along with infertility. Lifespan shortened from 120 to 60.

4. False Flag Events: Shooting, Looting, Riots and Protests.

5. Famine: Farmers paid to stop growing. Livestock culled for fake viruses and diseases. Companies who manufacture food are burnt down. Drought, Scorched Earth and Lack of Fertilizer makes it difficult to grow anything. People eat their pets, zoo animals and insects to survive.

6. Financial Collapse: Currencies devalued. Countries declaring bankruptcy. IMF stepping in. UBI: Universal Basic Income

7. HAARP: Weather Manipulation Seed Clouding Geo Engineering (2023-2025) Manmade Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods, Volcanic Eruptions, Thunderstorms, Increased Temperatures (Heatwaves), Sink Holes, Wild Fires and Earthquakes.

8. Project Sky Beam or Blue Beam: Real Planes with Green Screen Paint. Alien Warships Holographically Projected unto them for the Fake Alien Invasion and Rapture. (2024-2026)

9. NWO: New World Order out of Chaos One World Government (2026-2030). One Religion with New Updated (Mandela Effect) Bible. You will own nothing and you will be happy. All rights to own property are stripped from individuals. All property is now owned by the government and is loaned to you.

10. MOTB: Mark of the Beast KJV Bible Individuals are now the property of the government. Each one is then Chipped, Tracked, and Traded like livestock. Revelations 13:16-17 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Bluetooth technology activated via 5G and 6G.

11. V2K: Voice of God Technology used to control and manipulate mankind. Brains hacked. MK Ultra Mind Control. Cameras in every home. Humans are surveilled 24/7. All calls, texts and other correspondence are recorded. The Social Credit Score is implemented. DNA samples, Eye Retinal Scans, Fingerprints and Voice Samples taken for everyone left.

12. Magnetic Pole Shift (Sun and Earth) (2023-2050) The United States is split in two. The country will be ran from Denver Colorado and Atlanta Georgia. Russia and Africa are the top two food producers of the World. New Zealand is the Happiest Place on Earth.

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