108. Caylan Ford - Truth Exists

2 years ago

Caylan Ford is a Calgary-based international affairs specialist, documentary filmmaker, and writer. She earned a B.A. (Hons.) in Chinese history from the University of Calgary, an M.A. in International Relations from the George Washington University, and a M.St in International Human Rights Law from Oxford University. She is currently a senior policy advisor with Global Affairs Canada, and is producing a documentary on 'cancel culture,' which reaffirms the Socratic position as expressed in Plato’s Gorgias dialogue. She previously wrote and co-produced two feature documentaries that dealt with China’s system of reeducation-through-labour, religious persecution, and mass persuasion under totalitarian regimes. She has two young children, and is the founder and chair of the Calgary Classical Academy, a new charter school offering traditional liberal arts education.

Caylan's Links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/caylanford

And personal website: https://www.caylanford.com/

Gofundme: https://www.gofundme.com/f/legal-fund-to-fight-back-against-cancel-culture

Other donation platform: https://www.caylanford.com/donate

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