Communist Catholicism and Food Shortages!

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time"

A Critical Food Crisis is Coming? What our farmers and ranchers are saying! Charles Rankin – Yanasa Ranch joins us. ALSO... unmasking Liberation Theology – within the Catholic Church - with Mr. Julio Laredo – TFP.

Liberation Theology - Mr. Julio Laredo – TFP
- born in Peru and has long studied the doctrines of liberation theology. He now lives in Rome, where he is a scholar, international speaker and the president of the Italian Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP).
French Revolution
Destruction of the Family
Neo-Modernist Theology – Liberation Theology
the first great synthesis of Catholic social doctrine came from Leo XIII (1810, 1878—1903). The 1891 encyclical Rerum Novarum is rightly considered the cornerstone of the Church’s social teaching;
In the encyclical Graves de communi, Leo XIII reiterates, “For, it is the opinion of some, and the error is already very common, that the social question is merely an economic one, whereas in point of fact it is, above all, a moral and religious matter, and for that reason must be settled by the principles of morality and according to the dictates of religion.”

Mr. Charles Rankin – Yanasa Ranch – Food Crisis
Yanasa TV is operated by Yanasa Ama Ventures an Agricultural Film Producer. While global leaders work to reimagine our rural communities we are working to rebrand our great land stewards.
Is a MAJOR Food crisis looming?
food processing plants
fertilizer shortages and fuel costs on crops and livestock.
buying local

Roe decision not included among latest Supreme Court rulings
A Colorado mother of three said her 12-year-old daughter was recruited by teachers to attend an "art club" after school, only to find it was a Gay Straight Awareness/Alliance Club.
President Joe Biden will travel to Buffalo on Tuesday after ten people were killed in a mass shooting on Saturday.
6 Killed – 60 Injured

Second Hour: breaking news, saint of the day, Gospel, Plus New Round of the Catholic trivia game show Fear and Trembling!!!

Then Stay tuned for the Catholic Drive Time After Show!!!! Starting at 7:30 am where we let our hair down and speak more casually across our live streams. We will field questions from our comment sections.

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