Learn how to become a better straight ball bowler #18 with Dann the CD born MAN on 5-14-22.#18 bowl video

2 years ago

I bowled 30 games regular bowling with a 174 avg with a high game of 234. first game really sucked it was a 129 & my lowest game. as always I only use 10 lb bowling balls. don't care what the ROCK is made of plastic, Urethane. resin balls only go to 12lb bowling balls so I NEVER use resin. I FEEL anything more then 10 lbs is too difficult for me to control over many games therefore I DO NOT USE ANY BALL heaver then 10 lbs unless I am just playing around & don't care about my score. REALLY I am an inspiration to girls, women & kids. pro shop guys will tell you throw the heaviest bowling ball you can because it will have a much stronger hit I yeah but I believe in accuracy over SLOPPY bowling & or LUCKY bowling. to me the hook ball is the most LUCKY ball & is not & don't half to be as ACCURATE as the straight ball because of the wide hook to open your strike zone to I would say at least double as my ACCURATE straight line shot. the thing about that is a hook ball always changes with oil or lack of oil where as the straight ball NEVER changes it's always a straight line NO matter oil or lack of oil. I say my straight line will always prevail on ALL & any lane condition. I think the reason ALL pro bowlers use the HOOK is because its the easiest ball to throw & it DOES open the strike zone to at least double I would say BUT you MUST play the oil where as a STRAIGHT LINE is ALWAYS a STRAIGHT line NO MATTER oil or lack of! the straight ball is by far the HARDEST to get right though. besides if everyone throws the straight ball there would be NO need for the resin or any type of hook or oil related bowling balls. manufactures of the resin or hook ball would go out of business IF I can bowl just as good on ANY lane condition with my $50 ball over there $350 ball that rely on oil conditions. the ONLY thing my straight ball rely's on is my ACCURATE of my though NOTHING else. oil NEVER matters period! I hope thet oil the lanes to the head pin cuz it has ZERO effect on my straight line shot, that's ZERO effect. if I can roll a 300 on striped of oil lanes I can throw a 300 on heavy oil to the head pin. lane condition NEVER matters with a straight line strike. THAT's NEVER matters ALSO what a lane is made of NEVER matters either! bowling was made to throw a straight ball. the pins are set up for a straight ball strike! you do NOT need any bowl heaver then 10lbs. with a strike the most pins you will ever hit at once is 2 pins NO more then 2 pins. 2 pins only weigh 7lbs so my 10lb ball is already heaver then that by more then a whole another pin! plus the speed of the ball so really a 7lb ball would be the best to use BUT they brake up to easy. anything less then 10lbs will brake up. that's the ONLY reason I use a 10lb rock CUZ I don't want to have to buy a new ROCK every couple weeks. I've bowled many times with a 6lb ball & had 5 in a row with it & my team member had 6 in a row with it when we were bowling each other. it was the YELLOW TWEETEY bird ROCK. it cracked in half but stayed together by the styrafoam inside the ball. Jim Booth kicked my ass with my own ball. it was drilled to my hand! he had a 6 pack & I stopped striking at a nickle or 5 in a row. he stopped after the 6 pack. that was back in 2006. Jim had a 206 avg I had a 187 & we where both bowling with a hook. the best avg I ever had by bowling with the hook ball was around 190 something & had a high game of a 299 that was back in 2006 & with a 12lb resin ball hooking it all the time. I decided last summer, the summer of 2021 the only way I can trust my ball is with a 10lb straight ball only. for the strike ball only because I had to rely on oil way too much! today is 5-16-22 NO heavy balls for me, NO THANK YOU!

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