It's Only Talk & Roll #14 - Progressive Rock Special!

2 years ago

Come join us in a transcendental exploration of the mysterious of reality, the meaning of life and the universe through the medium of 1970s Progressive Rock.

There will be capes, pyramids, sheep, massed keyboards, flutes, triple necked twelve string guitars, 3 ton steel drumkits and perhaps even Vogon poetry.
There will be montages! The silliest moments in Prog! My top 5 favourites and a mind-bending challenge; Is it Prog or Is it Not??

Did anyone ever say "No" to Yes?
Were Jethro Tull a metal band?
Which planet did Rush come from?
Gabriel vs Collins - celebrity deathmatch.
Did ELP suck because they had no guitar?
Did Steve Walsh ever say 'I'm Not In Kansas Anymore"?
Is Terry Wogan's "Floral Dance" the ultimate Prog record?

Join my esteemed panel as we bullshit, er I mean expound in an intellectual manner, on this most beloved AND reviled genre.

Purple Valkyrie -
Darius Münchausen -
Toxic Man Flu -
Pope Metallicus I -
Salty Texas C -
Imperitus -
Wakizashi's Teahouse -
It's Courtney's Fellowship of Oddballs -

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