Rabbi Shifren Confronts La Raza Nazis

2 years ago

For years, subversive and terrorist elements in the US have hidden behind the smokescreen of being "minorities", or people of "color" in order to do the devil's work at destroying America. A virtual smorgasbord of leftist supporters and water-carriers in the Press, law enforcement, the political establishment, and academia has been mobilized to do the bidding of the progressive goal of subverting and transforming America.

Now for the first time, The Nazi Hispanic organization, "La Raza" (the race) has been exposed and outed in a blatant and overt attempt to use racist, fascist tactics against whites in their march to reclaim the ancient mythical land of "Aztlan", the Mexican claim of re conquering the Southwest US as ancient Aztec territory.

Recently one man, Rabbi Nachum Shifren, stood up to the San Diego City Council in demanding that this racist organization be put on notice for their un-American and illegal overreach in attempting to annex public property as their own terrorist fiefdom.

For more information about Rabbi Shifren’s crusade to save America from the communist Left that has literally changed the face of the republic and supplanted constitutional law and order, email him at: WarningForAmerica@gmail.com

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