The Weekly Energy Foresight for May 16-22, 2022

2 years ago

Tarot Cards:
The Green Witch Tarot
by: Ann Moura
artwork by: Kiri Ostergaard Leonard

Oracle Cards:
The Wisdom Of Avalon
by: Colette Baron-Reid

May 16-22, 2022

Three Of Athames (Swords)

New ventures require taking a leap of faith! And it isn't always easy.

This year you've been able to meet challenges head-on so you are in a much better place to forge ahead!

Rely on your Higher Self, your Soul Self, and your Spirit Team to guide you safely as you transition to your next level - a Higher Vibrational State of BE-ing.

Remember you have all the tools you need - you can do it - You've Got This ✨

Mid-Week ~ 16-19
The Baard

End-Week ~ 19-22
The Swan

16 - National Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day
- National Sea Monkey Day
- National Piercing Day
- National Barbeque Day
- National Biographer's Day
- National Love a Tree Day
- International Day of Living Together in Peace Day
- International Day of Light
- 🌖 Waning Moon
17 - National Pack Rat Day
- World Telecommunication & Information Society Day
18 - National No Dirty Dishes Day
- National Visit Your Relatives Day
- National Juice Slush Day
- Emergency Medical Services for Children Day
- International Museum Day
- Buddha Day
19 - National Caesar Day
- Lag BaOmer
20 - National Rescue Dag Day
- National Endangered Species Day
- National Pizza Party Day
- National Streaming Day
- National Pick Strawberries Day
- International Red Sneakers Day
- World Metrology Day
- World Bee Day
- ♊ Sun Enters Gemini
21 - National Armed Forces Day
- National American Red Cross Founders Day
- National Memo Day
- National Learn to Swim Day
- National Waitstaff Day
- International Tea Day
- World Day for Cultural Diversity Day
22 - National Buy a Musical Instrument Day
- National Maritime Day
- National Solitaire Day
- International Being You Day
- World Goth Day
- 🌗 Last Quarter Moon


🎶 Envato , Kevin MacLeod, iMovie Royalty Free Audio/Visuals, & Wondershare Filmora Royalty Free Audio/Visuals

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