3 years ago

#MercuryMag136 ◄ 136. #Adonay ►
Strong's Concordance
Adonay: Lord
Original Word: אֲדֹנָי
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: Adonay
Phonetic Spelling: (ad-o-noy')
Definition: #Lord

Michaelis Moderno Dicionário Português-Inglês (Portuguese-English)
[adon'ar] vpr bras to appropriate: take for oneself, especially without permission.

Merriam-Webster Collegiate® Dictionary

Pronunciation: ˌä-də-'nȯi, -'nī
Function: noun
Etymology: Hebrew 'ădhōnāy
Date: before 12th century

― used in place of YHWH as a name of the God of the Hebrews during prayer recitation

© 2005 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated

Concise Oxford English Dictionary

■ noun a Hebrew name for God.

from Heb. 'ăḏōnāy; see also Jehovah.

© Oxford University Press, 2004

Encyclopedia Mythica

[Judaic] Hebrew word meaning "my lord, my master", from adon, "lord, master". From Hellenistic times onward it was used verbally to replace the written Yahweh. When the tetragrammaton (JHWH) appears in the Biblical text, it is usual to read it out load either as Adonai or as Ha-Shem ("The Name").

Adonai 'adonai (Hebrew) [from 'adon lord] My Lords; through usage, Lord, a plural of excellence. Originally a sort of appeal or prayer to the hierarchical spiritual powers of the earth planetary chain, and more particularly of the planetary spirit of the earth itself; later it became a mere substitute for the unutterable name of God, usually for Tetragrammaton (YHVH).

"As the inner nature of YHVH is hidden; therefore He (YHVH) is only named with the Name of the Shekhinah, Adonai, i.e., Lord; therefore the Rabbins say (of the name YHVH); Not as I am written (i.e., YHVH) am I read. In this world My Name is written YHVH and read Adonai, but in the world to come, the same will be read as it is written, so that Mercy (represented by YHVH) shall be from all sides" (Zohar iii 320a). Adonai is rendered Lord in the Bible, although it means "my Lords"; whereas 'elohim is translated God in the English Authorized Version.

In the Sephirothal scheme, the Divine Name of the Sephirah of Malchuth was 'Adonai. The Gnostics taught that Iurbo and Adonai were names of Iao-Jehovah, who is an emanation of Ilda Baoth.
According to Origen the Gnostics considered Adonai the genius of the sun. Blavatsky writes: "Both Aidoneus and Dionysius [Dionysus] are the bases of Adonai, or 'Jurbo Adonai,' as Jehovah is called in Codex Nazaraeus. . . . Baal-Adonis of the sods or Mysteries of the pre-Babylonian Jews became the Adonai by the Massorah, the later-vowelled Jehovah" (SD 1:463). See also Adon ; IAO ; JEHOVAH

Alpha Cassiopeiae (a Cas, a Cassiopeiae ) is a second magnitude star in the constellation Cassiopeia, with the traditional name Schedar, sometimes spelled Shedir. Though listed as the alpha star by Johann Bayer, Schedar's visual brightness closely rivals the beta star in the constellation, Caph. Depending on which passband is used, a Cas may be marginally brighter or dimmer than ß Cas. However, recent calculations from the All-Sky catalog indicate that Schedar is the brightest in Cassiopeia, with a visual magnitude of 2.240. With Schedar located farther away from Earth than Caph, at 228 light years versus 54, Schedar is almost 18 times brighter than its rival insofar as intrinsic brightness is concerned.

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