Gen. Mike Flynn Sues FBI, DOJ & Obama, 3852

2 years ago

Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Major General Mike Flynn, President Trump’s first National Security Advisor, has filed an administrative form with the Department of Justice demanding $50 million worth of compensation against the FBI, Justice Department, and the Executive Office of President Obama for malicious prosecution for their multi-year long persecution of the Russia collusion witch hunt.

This is the form Gen. Flynn’s attorney Jesse Binnall of Alexandria, VA, filed, known as Standard Form 95 which is used to present claims against the United States under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) for personal injury. Interestingly, it must be presented to the appropriate federal agency within two years after the claimed injury. This form was quietly filed on Feb. 24, 2022.

Should the DOJ decide not pay the $50 million dollar claim, then attorney Binnall said Flynn is prepared to sue in civil court, which would open up a plethora of discovery options which the current deep state government does not want to deal with.

According to the filing:

"Of all of President Trump's appointees, the Obama White House hated Flynn the most….”

According to Flynn’s filing, about 4 months before the 2016 election – which Trump won in a landslide –:

"… the FBI began to express disdain for candidate Donald J. Trump and began to consider ways in which it could hamper Donald Trump as candidate or as President, were he to win the 2016 election."

"As part of these efforts, the FBI began to target Flynn. Flynn was no stranger to the FBI and its leadership, many of whom considered Flynn to be a personal enemy of the FBI and the success of their own FBI careers."

Why? Because as Director of the nation’s premier intelligence outfit, DIA, Flynn had no doubt learned of the corrupt links between certain members of the FBI, CIA,the Obama administration in particular, and the DNC in general, and was determined to clean house once he became part of the new Trump administration.

Part of that corruption likely involved links between the U.S. deep state and the Chinese communist party – the CCP - and their numerous long-march active measures gambits against the United States.

One of these Chinese intelligence gambits may have included plans to deploy bacteriologic warfare in support of the “depopulation and climate change” crowd which was now in charge of the U.S. Democrat party.

Another was the decades-in-the-making Chinese intel infiltration of American academia and the political structure. These links with the Chinese had been first established years earlier during the Clinton administration but are now long forgotten by the MSM and therefore rarely mentioned.

Both of these two gambits would have been clearly recognized as treasonous activity by the average American and could have splintered off major segments of the mainstream media to side with the patriots and incoming President Trump and National Security Advisor, Flynn.

That is why the Democrats were so desperate to get Flynn at any cost. So, an onslaught was mounted against Flynn for having one phone call with the Russian ambassador to the United States, shortly after his appointment as Trump’s new National Security Advisor. These are the types of telephone calls that are done by every incoming National Security Advisor and, in fact, it would be entirely inappropriate for Gen. Flynn to not have made such a call to ambassadors from most of the major world powers.

Obama was certainly one of the leaders of this attack. According to Flynn’s filing:

"On or about November 10, 2016, two days after the Presidential Election, President-elect Trump met with President Obama in the Oval Office. During this meeting, President Obama warned President-elect Trump he had profound concerns about hiring Flynn for any sensitive, high-level national security positions.

“President Obama made this statement despite himself having appointed Flynn to the position of Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012."

And at that time, I was working in OSD – the Office of the Sec. of Defense – in the Pentagon, and Flynn’s appointment made everyone there very happy thinking Flynn would be able to effectively be a counterforce to Obama’s radicalism.

On Jan. 5, 2017 – the day before the so-called “insurrection” at the nation’s capital building – Obama met with the FBI and his Vice President, Joe Biden, in the Oval Office. According to Flynn’s filing:

"During this meeting, the participants agreed to try to damage incoming President Trump and his new Administration, including by trying to prosecute Flynn, President-elect Trump's incoming National Security Advisor, to cause him to resign …, to cripple President Trump's ability to implement national security and foreign affairs policy changes, and potentially to get Flynn to turn on President Trump. They also agreed to withhold this agreement from the 'transition team.'"

As you can see, Flynn’s intelligence connections are still excellently placed.

The biggest mistake Trump made was to ask Mike Pence to be his Vice-Presidential pick. The Pence pick, if you remember, was specifically designed to satisfy the RHINO crowd – Mittens Romney, Liz Cheney, etc.

Pence is the one person who could have completely shut this coup down cold, on Jan. 20, 2021, merely by remanding the electoral votes of a few states back to their state legislatures for re-certification as many of the state legislators had recently become aware of nefarious voting activity in their states. But Pence cold-heartedly refused even the most modest proposals from the floor of Congress to allow the recently blooming dissent.

Thereafter, during Trump’s term in the presidency, history may confirm that Pence, was the intelligence hotline to Obama’s war room, something that General Mike Flynn would certainly have discovered and shut down.

According to Gen. Flynn’s attorney, Jesse Binnall:

“This Federal Tort Claims Act action is just the beginning of that accountability. Lt. General Michael Flynn will no longer be the pin cushion of the radical left.”

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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