Ultrasound Guided VASER Assisted Silicone Removal from the Buttocks | PLASTIC SURGERY PROCEDURE

2 years ago

In today's #Throwback video Dr. Katzen helps a female patient in her 40's who comes from out of state to Beverly Hills to have #IllegalSiliconeInjections removed from her buttocks. The patient is experiencing a ton of pain in her buttock as well as down her legs. Luckily the silicone hasn't spread too far, and the patient really wants to avoid scarring. So rather than making an incision to surgically remove the silicone, Dr. Katzen performs an ultrasound guided, VASER assisted silicone suction and removal from the buttocks and affected areas. The patient is extremely happy with her results, and stay tuned for when this patient returns to us for a #ButtockReconstruction procedure!

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