Signal 30 (1959) w/ commentary (a "classroom" classic)

2 years ago

The following film was originally shown in classrooms across America in 1959 and is one of many "warning" films now in the public domain. It is being presented on this channel as both a public service (to teach our children about the dangers and consequences of reckless driving) as well as to warn you that your life can end in a moment due to such drivers! If you were to die today because of a reckless driver, would you be going to Heaven or to Hell for the rest of eternity? Because your safety (as well as the safety of others) is "deadly important," I have chosen to make this film available to the public on this forum as well as to announce it as one of the many films THE CHRISTIAN MEDIA PROJECT is proposing for our "24 Hour Broadcast Day." May you and your loved ones be greatly enriched by this extremely important film and may it strengthen you in your resolve to make the world a better place through your own daily actions! The Tomb Is Empty; Christ Is Risen!!!

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