Testimony | Overcoming Drug and Alcohol Addiction...My testimony

2 years ago

This is my personal testimony of how I was set free from drug and alcohol addiction by Jesus Christ.

I hope you will find this testimony encouraging and that it will help others to find there is hope and deliverance from the chains of sin.

If you want to receive Christ as your savior today, please pray this prayer
Dear father in heaven please forgive me for my sins. I am a sinner in need of a savior. I repent of every sin I have ever committed. I believe in my heart that Jesus is your son, that he died on the cross for my sins, and that on the third day you raised him from the dead. I accept Christ as my personal Lord and savior. Cleanse my heart and allow me to be in right standing with you through the blood of your son. Amen

If you just prayed that prayer, I believe you are born again! The same God who set me free has now set you free and we are now brothers and sisters and joint heirs with Jesus Christ! I encourage you to get into the word of God for yourself to get to know your heavenly father intimately.

If you accepted Christ today from this video please leave me a comment!

If you know someone who would benefit from hearing my testimony please share it with them.

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