Why Black Men Born in North America Need to Get their Passports, Money, and Travel the Globe ASA

3 years ago

This Video is discussing why Single Black Men and Single Fathers with Kids should get their Passports and Travel the Globe asap. The dating and Relationship Markets are Horrible in all of North America and The Divorce Rate is Almost 60%. What is the Point of us wasting our time in a country that pretends they want us around but in reality they don't appreciate us at all. Time to Leave Fellas.

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Get Your Passport ASAP



Key Words: Passport, Red Pill, Globally, Dating, Women, International, Money, Finance, Education, Assistance, Assist, Help, Local, National, Tourist, Tourism, Love, Hate, Marriage, Divorce, Single, Blue Pill, Black Pill, Purple Pill, Hero, Enemy, Evil, Heroic, MGTOW, Ukraine, Philippines, Thailand, Africa, Brazil, Kenya, Mexico, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Young Men, Young Ladies, Honor, Tradition, Feminine, Submissive, Compliant, Cooperative, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, United Kingdom, Argentina, Chile, United States, Government, Investment. Bank

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Key Words: Travel, Finance, Feminist, Traditional, Respect, Honor, Loyalty, Cheating, Cheat, Red Pill, Blue Pill, Purple Pill, Love, MGTOW, Pain, Hurt, Suffering, Tom Leykis, Pass Port, Black Man, Black Men, All Men, Coach, Tutor, Language, Food, Culture, Brazil, Thailand, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Korea, Mexico, Canada, United States, Luggage, Airports, Tickets, Old, Young, Breakup, Living, Life, War, Chaos, Government, Money, Investment, Realestate, Funding, Alone, Hero, Rest, Loyalty, MGTOW, Advise, Guidance, Encouragement, Female Nature, Jail, Child Support, Lawyer, Attorney, Divorce, Idea, Intelligence, Food, Culture, Natural, Plane, Tickets, Stamps, Booklet

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