Prophecy 77 - In Mid 2000's, HOLY GHOST REVIVAL Again HITS AMERICA In Certain PENTECOSTAL CHURCHES! Greater than Azusa! Sadly most are now Infiltrated/Split! YAH'S elite have left (mirrored)

2 years ago

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Please note now in 2022 it is not a good idea to go to a Sunday Church even if it's a Pentecostal one. We are so close to the Great Tribulation the infiltration of satan's counterfeit is a very dangerous deception not to be underestimated. YAH is saying to flee the Organized Churches with their manmade doctrines and heavy burdens. See YAH'S Amightywind Prophecy 64 - Flee The Churches Of Babylon.

A World Changing Prophetic WORD from BELOVED YAH where HE commands Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu to go across America and help lead one of the Great HOLY GHOST REVIVALS ever. YAH SAYS was even greater than the famous Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, California in the early 1900s. This was where there were great Pentecostal leaders like Apostle William Seymour. He also had endured great persecution like Apostle Elisheva has.

Apostle Elisheva was a Prophet since her young teen years so she was ready for this YAH given mission. She went totally prepared in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S NAME with potent Prophet and Holy Intercessor Teams. They traveled all across the country before she finally left America. You can see her departure from America as commanded by YAH in Amightywind Prophecy 85.

Prophecy 77:
Behold, I, YAHUVEH, Send You Forth with a New Anointing! To the Pentecostal Churches for Those who will Believe & Receive!
Written/Spoken under the Anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT (RUACH HA KODESH)
Through Apostle & Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
Received December 26, 2004 – Released January 7, 2005

Why we use the Sacred Names of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and SHKHINYAH GLORY:
Sunday Worship Mark of the beast:
The False Blue Beam Rapture:

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In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S name, love and shalom, Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
AmightyWind YDS Song/Anthem as heard in outro:
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