2 years ago

We had a powerful meeting yesterday in a house in San Diego, where we saw God do amazing things! People got filled with the Holy Spirit and set free, and eight people got baptized in water. One of the people who got filled with the Holy Spirit was this woman here, who had been waiting seven years for this day!

But the truth is, you don't need to wait! IT IS FINISHED! Jesus has already DONE IT! He has died on the cross for you and me! He has ascended to heaven and has sent His Holy Spirit down here, and we now just need to repent and be born again and receive what God has for us!

See this short, beautiful video from yesterday, and more videos and testimonies will come out the next days!

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I have now been in California for five months, and yesterday was the most powerful day I've had in California! It has to do with a SHIFT that's coming. A few days ago, I gave out a video where I talked about how God has been speaking to me that a SHIFT is coming, and that we should do things differently. Instead of doing a school here in the fall, we should train the people who are already here. Have you not seen that video? I recommend you see it here:


Yesterday was so powerful! We had our first gathering. There were sixteen people gathered and we are going to meet with them two times a week for the next four weeks. Yesterday was the introduction, but it became so much more than that!

I was sharing the Gospel with them and talking about what training I want to do with them these next weeks. After the teaching, I asked who had not yet received the Holy Spirit, and there was one woman there who had wanted the Holy Spirit for seven years. I prayed for her and she got deliverance so powerful! She fell down, got set free and filled with the Holy Spirit right away and spoke in tongues, and it became powerful for everyone to see!

After that, one by one they experienced freedom, and when I asked who needed to be baptized there were eight who needed to get baptized. Many of them had been baptized before, but without understanding the power of baptism and the true repentance. Then we started the baptism and it became powerful! Many experienced deliverance in the water and freedom, and we got some beautiful testimonies with them afterward!

I also want to say that God has been working in them over the last weeks already after we'd connected, and they have seen the podcasts which have already set several free.
One of them experienced one week ago that his sister who had cancer reached out to him and they went to pray for her and she has gotten completely healed of cancer! The doctor has verified that the cancer is completely gone after their prayer, and now she and three others in her family are getting baptized next week!

So as you can hear, God is working bigtime, and this is just the beginning of the new SHIFT that is coming!
I recorded it on video yesterday, and in the next days I will come out with a video where you can see what happened, and I will also tell more about this SHIFT and how we can do things differently, because this is not only about us here in California... I believe this is for everyone out there! God is doing something beautiful - something amazing!

Are you living in San Diego?
Then I want to say that we will be out on the street Kickstarting people and preaching the Gospel next Saturday in San Diego, and we will do a Kickstart event the weekend after. The Kickstart event you can find on the link here:


If you want to join us for the Kickstart outreach next Saturday, more info is coming out soon!

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