Trevor Hamberger discusses some ideas on no fap and the attainment of mastery of sexual desire

2 years ago

Think and Grow rich - CHAPTER 11

So as an update. I can now control my erections with my mind alone. I don't care what you think of this. I will admit this freely in public and I do not care. I have attained a blissful state of sexual peace within myself. I have no desire to sexually arouse anyone but the woman I love. and I know who she is. When I close my eyes I see nothing but her. I'll show you my queen soon. I'm ready for her now. I still gotta master control of my dick but I'm almost 2 years into this now. might be over 2 actually. but my full commitment to no fap began march 28th 2021. I had much practice up to that point but nothing that I call no fap success. More like practice to be a success. Main reason i failed in early no fapping was I had to see if my dick even still worked. once side effect of no fap is your dick stops working for a long time depending on how f'ed up your sexual sins were. Mine were mild compared to most and my recovery took over 2 years. my mental side still isn't fully healed but its close now. I'm about 90% the way to whatI will become in the bedroom and I was already great.

I send voice memos to friends some time. This was to a very close friend. I simply do not care about anything i have to say not being made public. I live in a world of nothing but abject consumer slave fucking clowns every single place I lool. I am sick god damn tired of you assholes running your mouths when you none of you can do any of the shit you say you can. Shut the fuck up. The only way you're going to do something is by attaining mastery through discipline and i don't ever see you doing that shit. I'm the guy who goes to random gyms and there parents come up to me and shake my hand and say thanks for teaching my kid how hard he has to work. You sit in fast food restaurants turning yourself into a diarrhea factory.

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