Malone, Cole, Urso Discuss The Dangers Of COVID-19 Vaccines & The Need For Scientific Integrity

2 years ago

Three of the most prolific doctors in the Global Covid Summit, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Dr. Richard Urso joined Del for an in-depth discussion on why they aligned to form the G.C.S. and their tireless mission to spread truth and restore scientific integrity.

Original Rumble Video:


Dr. Ryan Cole: "To give a chronic lipid nanoparticle and a chronic spike-making factory in your body, in your cells -- we know that spike is toxic. We are messing up permanently the immune systems of people, and who knows what disease they're going to die from [because of immune suppression] secondarily."

Dr. Robert Malone: "Subclinical myocarditis may be occurring in the majority of vaccine recipients, if you test the right enzymes. That's a big [deal]. The event horizon of death and damage from this is not going away. It's behaving more like the classic profile of myocarditis, which has a five-year mortality [rate] of something like 15 to 20%."

Dr. Robert Malone: "[The FDA] knew that the viral reactivation signal (such as shingles re-emerging) was one of the major known adverse events [of the shot]... and they did not acknowledge it. It's another one of those things that is inexplicable."

Dr. Robert Malone: "It goes right back to the original dossier, because the FDA treated this as if it was a normal 'vaccine,' whatever normal vaccine happens to be, and not like a gene therapy product, which is what it was, and they didn't do reproductive toxicology rigorously. They didn't do genome toxicity. They didn't do biodistribution. They didn't do pharmacokinetics. It goes on and on. Why didn't they do their job?"

Dr. Ryan Cole: "It was originally designed to take mRNA and or chemotherapeutic agents to organs that are hard to get to, like the brain... Scientists knew they would not stay in the arm. To have told the people of the world otherwise was a straight up scientific lie."

Dr. Robert Malone: "How could the US government ever admit to the sins and harms that have been caused? How could they ever admit to their obvious role in funding the Wuhan laboratory? How could they ever do that? The financial burden of coming to grips with what has been done here would be huge. It would shake the entire government."

Dr. Richard Urso: "The pharmaceutical industry has become so powerful. They're very much in control of medicine. Their control [starts at] the education level, it goes into hospitals, and it goes into advertising to the [general] public itself. And so every single level [is controlled by pharma]. [We] have to find a way to sort of decentralize that process, separate the ability of the pharmaceutical industry to influence so strongly onto the agencies, and then take away their power at the medical school levels in education."

See Also:

MUST WATCH: Global COVID Summit - Declaration IV - Restore Scientific Integrity

Global COVID Summit - Declaration IV - Restore Scientific Integrity


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