"THE KINGS OF THE EAST: EUROPE" - Asia & Putin [Russia] Will Humble The EU

2 years ago

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Welcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord).

Today's word: Atheism denies God exists, Hedonism doesn't care whether He does or not. It's a way of life focused on human interests, pursuits and pleasures. As Europe grew in wealth, power and influence over the years their need for God died; it was replaced by a pride in worldly things with no care for what comes after. The desire to be people of God has flatlined in the EU but God says they will deliver themselves as 'gods' in the day the Eastern kings trample them. True repentance is the only covering of a nation but turning away from God leads to woe. Hear the words of the Lord.

READ THIS ON TMV BLOG: https://the-masters-voice.com/2022/01/07/the-kings-of-the-east-europe-december-25-2021/

KINGS OF THE EAST: REQUITED - https://the-masters-voice.com/2022/01/09/the-kings-of-the-east-requited-january-9-2022/

KOREA REUNITED - https://the-masters-voice.com/2022/01/09/they-will-fly-down-the-slopes-of-the-mountains-january-9-2022/

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