The Neo Zionist Order - Who Rules your Rulers by Eustace Mullins

2 years ago

Eustace Mullins interview shines a huge spotlight on the world economic and geopolitical landscape and confirms many of the secret criminal cartels and NATO Nazi crimes committed within the U.S. government. Much of the general public has no knowledge of these crimes simply because many of them are carried out in secret and the mainstream media is used to coverup and shape the narrative to keep people in the dark, or away from the truth.

Today, this helps to explain why the U.S. Government Nazi regime was installed in Ukraine in 2014 and why Russia has taken steps to stop the genocide. We are in a war with domestic terrorists that have infiltrated many of U.S. government agencies. The latest coronavirus bioweapon was the first step in implementing a plan developed in the early 1990s when U.S. Government terrorists learned they could map the human genome and use it to wipe out ethnic groups considered to be their enemies, or people they see of lower significance.

The civilized world has in many way not changed since the barbaric days where groups would rape, pillage, and plunder. Many self-proclaimed "elite" are selfish psychopaths that have no greater plan than to rule over all men and steal the earths resources for selfish gain.

We see the same type of individuals in today's society meeting at the World Economic Forum (WEF), World "Health" Organization, G7 Summit, and many of the U.S. Government organizations like the CIA, FDA, NAID, DHS, and many more. These people pose to be philanthropist and other types of humanitarians, but in reality are much the opposite. These individuals including Bill Gates, Klause Schwab, Barack Obama, George Soros, and heads of corporations that carry out the desires of these eugenicist, or ethnic cleansers. They each setup non-profit organizations to hide their criminal money laundering as they continue to try to exert their power to determine who lives and dies.

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