Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice | Bible Devotions | Small Family Adventures

3 years ago

We are looking at the end of John 2 where Jesus cleans out the temple of the money changers and buyers and sellers. You can follow along here

Other text mentioned is John 4 in regards to worshipping in Spirit and Truth. That text is here: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+4&version=ESV

And another passage mentioned is John 8 where Jesus says to "Go and Sin no more" which can be found here:

Finally, the title of Obedience is better than sacrifice comes from 1 Samuel in the Old Testament. You can read that here:

Small Family Adventures documents some of the activities in the lives a small family out of Wisconsin. Follow along as Steven, Debbie, Jackie and Elizabeth take on their adventures. At least 1 video a week will be posted. From our family to yours, have an awesome day!

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