Justice Will Prevail against the Unjust's Agenda.

2 years ago

Humanity's Dignity Will be Restored as our Creator intended.

Inspired by a conversation in the Pub.


That is interesting.

Cut off the head at the top!
Like the French Revolution...

I had not thought about all the corruption in France.

That is interesting 🤔

Prosecuting the 'Foualcheese', and burning the Gates, etc..

These are expendable to the regime.
They are easily replaced and there are plenty waiting in reserve.

But.... Off with The Queen's 👑 head!

Yes, this must be done, civilly and by Constitutional Law if possible.

Otherwise, well, I don't know how that works...
Violence is Exactly what this lizard regime wants!

They need a violent revolt to impose Martial Law.

We must hold fast in non-violent ACTION and Most of all.. Constant prayer that God Creator Almighty would accept to be our Sovereign.

Listen to how the Elite Globalist view All of Humanity:


Love you all brothers and sisters

All Glory to God Creator Almighty and please accept my prayers for you and your loved ones.)

Peace and Love and Solution my brothers and sisters.

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