How to Make Intelligent Decisions - Miyagi Mornings Episode-90

3 years ago

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I see a lot of folks making decisions about what to support, what to do, what do believe, what others should be doing, etc online and I can only come to one conclusion. People have no and I mean no concept of how to make intelligent decisions. Today I will lay out a process for doing so, I may use some examples but the process is independent of the subject of the decision. It is either that or you are led by emotion and bias rather than facts, logic and reason. In other words you may as well flip a coin. Strap in this one is going to bloody a few noses.

Moderna’s filing with the SEC directly saying that their technology is “gene therapy”, see page 19 -

A review of multiple studies proving with RCTs that mass masking does not prevent the spread of respiratory viral diseases spanning 1947-2019 -

The above links only show that I am giving your facts, you are still free to draw your own conclusions but a decision absent relevant facts is an article of faith, not an informed decision.

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