Joe Biden Is Illegitimate And Allowing Him To Continue As President Is Treason And Irresponsible

2 years ago

2000 Felons & Zero Justice

2000 Felons & Zero Justice is a Greg Reese Report that documents the reality of criminal acts that were used to subvert democracy and laws defined within our Constitution. Liberty, Justice, and pursuit of happiness used to be values upheld in a court of law where justice prevailed and the American dream was alive for all its citizens to enjoy.

The 2020 presidential election results showed the citizens in this great land how misleading the democratic voting process has become. We have been misled to think our vote has meaning. We have also been mislead to think our voice and taxes are used to support our United States' values and its citizens. However, evidence backed with irrefutable data in 2000 Mules proves the United States' political process no longer functions as a lawful process to ensure our voice is recognize to maintain the United States of America as a sovereign nation. Government Officials have been installed by domestic and foreign terrorists that do not represent the values and direction of its citizens. If this process is not corrected to an ethical standard of justice, the United States Of America will cease to exist as the country defined by its forefathers and its current citizens.

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