MELTING 517 CANS AT HOME / BACKYARD MELTING / #canmelting #meltingaluminum / DEVIL FORGE

2 years ago

Hello everyone 👋🏻.

This week I melted all the cans I saved up. There were exactly 517 cans, the crushing took more time then counting them😒. Next time, I’ll crush them immediately to save some time😏. And some space😏.

To melt all the cans, it took me a while. So next time, I’ll need a bigger crucible, since the other one can’t be used again😔. Maybe I’ll look for a bigger one🤔.

I wanted to get a mirrored finish on all the ingots, but I couldn’t succeed 😔. But next time, it will😁.

!!! Thank you all for the support !!!

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As always, I hope you have
a great weekend!!

See you next time !!!

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