A Little R&R w/ James, Jacob, & Craig

2 years ago

For this week's Fact Check This Livestream I was joined by James Jenneman (Blackbird Podcast), Jacob Daniel (Biblical Anarchy Podcast), and Craig Smoldt (Break the Bell Podcast) to talk about how exhausted we all are and the benefits of working on our routines, habits, and mindsets to take advantage of downstate time and get more rest and refreshment in our lives.

Check out the source material for this episode over at Rest doesn't just mean sleep: What "downstate" means, and why you need more of it | Salon.com

And check out all of my guests:

James Jenneman (@jameslj) / Twitter

Jacob Daniel (Daniel 3) (@BiblicalAnarchy) / Twitter

Break The Bell Podcast (Craig Smoldt) (@breakthebellpod) / Twitter

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