#4 Covid 19: Concise Report Did Jesus’ reveal a better Plan? 2021

2 years ago

Pls see https://bkneely.substack.com/

Dec 13, 2022 note: In the last few years we have all battled the Covid 19 pandemic.

So there was pressure on me to get the brand new but barely tested vaccination in 2021. I was quite willing to.

But before I went to the clinic I knew to check God’s unfailing word. It provides wisdom that can be applied to many if not all of life’s situations.

What did I find? The Bible reminds us that there is always another side to the story whatever that story is. Proverbs 18:17- - “In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right, until someone comes forward and cross-examines.” (NIV)

So motivated by some of the concerns about the vaccine, I started doing my OWN research with readily available online but reliable sources.

I quickly realized that I should NOT get the vaccination.

Why? I saw that the same methodology used to repress cigarette smoking risks for 50 years, and abortion health risks for 20 years being were being used to silence the vaccination health risks-- AND the already proven successful alternatives.

Although I wasn’t shocked, I was so sad- I grieved for a week because it meant we could no longer unquestionably trust those who were supposed to be protecting us. We could no longer trust as we once did our personal physician. He now appears to indirectly under the control of Big Pharma, because big Pharma seems to indirectly control the medical associations.

Covid 19 was a horrific event. Children have failed as they were isolated at home- many were abused.

Youth have failed as substance abuse and suicide skyrocketed.

Marriages and businesses have failed under the pressure.

Churches have split and the faith of many has failed.

In apologetics settings- the most commonly asked question about God is this: “How can a loving God let bad things happen?”

The answer in part is that when truth and love are applied, policies and procedures are followed. Manmade disasters DON’T usually happen. But if they do God provides a plan.

Within a couple months of Covid 19 hitting our shores in the early days of 2020, God had revealed a plan to some praying medical researchers.

Within weeks they were demonstrating that IT WAS WORKING. This plan allowed the poorest countries and the most remote out back pharmacies to help.

They could dispense already approved safe and effective, powerful and CHEAP drugs- drugs already on their shelves--drugs which kept the Covid sick from needing hospitalization. These drugs let the sick recover at home, while building their natural immunity.

What happened to Jesus’ plan? What happens when you get vaccinated?

Please watch this documentary from 2021. Sadly- time has proven its concerns were valid.

May 2022 note:
EVERY honest person willing to take the 10 minutes to first read the linked prequel report “Covid19- handling-How Big Pharma Shut down alternatives leading to 500,000 plus deaths-Prequel to Concise Report…” https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoN1RoShJ2hY-mkmE41qloU4rmfQ?e=F65v2j
and then the 30 minutes to watch the “Concise Report” video will understand how the evil force that has been at work in the world since Adam and Eve, was unleashed during Covid 19 to maximize the Covid 19 destruction and prepare the world for even more controls on our lives in the very near future. But Jesus had a plan to avoid the incalculable pain and destruction of Covid 19 and He revealed it to Dr. McCullough’s international team and perhaps others as well. God’s plan was to utilize existing inexpensive award winning, proven safe and effective drugs that were already on the shelves and available to everyone around the world -even the poorest nations- from the very start. Within weeks of the outbreak this team had tested and proven the efficacy of these drugs. Tragically even church leadership fell under the spell of the Evil One whose influence meant removing those proven drugs from Covid use. (https://illinoisfamily.org/religious/how-the-federal-government-used-evangelical-leaders-to-spread-covid-propaganda-to-churches/)

Psalm 1: 1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, (NIV) If we are only listening/reading the legacy – mainstream media- a media that supports a culture that mocks Jesus, then we are sitting in the “company of mockers”.
Proverbs 18: 17 In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right, until someone comes forward and cross-examines. (NIV) We have not heard the “cross examination” of those who said there was no alternative to lockdowns, a new vaccination, mandatory vaccinations and then vax passports. This “Concise Report” video will provide the listener that essential “cross examination”.

The Pandemic: A Concise Report. 30 minutes to understand what happened (Sept. 2021)
With: Dr. McCullough,•, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, • Dr. Brett Weinstein• Dr. Robert Malone •Dr. Roger Hodkinson •Ryan Cole MD• Byram W. Bridle• Dr. Charles Hoffe• Dr. James Lyons-Weiler• Dr. Brett Weinstein• Dr. Robert Malone• Steve Kirsch• Dr. Jane Ruby •Steve Kirsch

Numerous FREE-downloads- no registration

1—This video was designed to be a “low key” presentation to others in your work place who do not know the science supporting the “Vax Reluctant”. It is a methodical but compelling review as to why a careful and open minded person is resisting social and governmental pressure to get vaxed. Download the video and supporting documentation along with questions you can ask to set up your presentation. (The benefit of a downloaded video file is that you are not dependent on the internet during your important presentation and you will enjoy better resolution.)

2—Download link: How to avoid
hospitalization if you get Covid: An updated list of protocols in use for COVID early treatment and prevention can be found at https://aapsonline.org/covidpatientguide/ as discussed by Dr, Lee in the video
See below for WHAT and WHO is/are in the video


• Children and the vaccines, Covid vs. the flu, / heart issues- maybe permanent
• Using re-purposed drugs the fastest way to end the pandemic in preference to experimental solutions
• Absence of proper normal testing before human use
• Vaccine supposed to stay in shoulder muscle. It does not.
• The spike protein is a toxin that spreads throughout the body
• Causes brain fog
• Lodges in the ovaries
• Blood clotting inevitable and measurable, common not rare - 62% of vaccine recipients.
• Heart inflammation- children and adults- permanent damage
• Heart problems forced CDC to “black box” serious warning for Covid vaccinations
• Immune upset- measured reactivation of herpes, uterine cancer etc. due to decrease in immune markers
• Parallels to repression of cigarette smoking risks
• Enough deaths from vaccine to shut down the vaccines
• Two ways to get immunity and herd immunity. One is durable.
• No long term safety data. We do not know long term cancer , auto immune, fertility impact- pressing forward with unknown risks of anti-science
• Asymptomatic spread? Does not appear to occur. Sick only spread to others
• There is a good news alternative to the risky vaccines and herd immunity: A cocktail of proven drugs. But this undermines case for emergency usage
• Instead of letting the Covid sick get sicker without treatment at home, use the proven safe and effective cocktail of drugs. This allows 85% or more to recover at home without hospitalization. How Doctors normally treat infectious illness but are not being allowed with Covid.
• Research paper telling other doctors who to help the Covid sick set record for downloads before being shut down
• Download your own patient handbook for recovery before hospitalization
• Why masks aren’t proving effective
• Lockdowns have no justification
• Covid 19 more “inline with” an unusually severe annual flu
• Violation of informed consent
End of video


• Peter Andrew McCullough is an American cardiologist. He was vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University. He is editor-in-chief of the journals Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiorenal Medicine. Dr. McCullough
• Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. is a preventive and climacteric medicine specialist with medical practices in Tucson AZ and Dallas TX that take an integrated approach to evaluation and treatment of women and men with complex medical and hormonal problems
• Dr. Brett Weinstein, Dr. Robert Malone and Mr. Steve Kirsch that was censored from the people in June of 2021
• Dr. Roger Hodkinson, M.A., M.B., B. Chir. Fellow of the College of American Pathologists (FCAP). Royal College certified general pathologist
• Ryan Cole MD, AFLDS, board-certified dermatopathologist (AP & CP)
• Byram W. Bridle, PhD, Viral Immunologist, Covid 19 Vaccine Developer, Associate Professor
• Dr. Charles Hoffe, M.D. GP and Emergency Room physician, 31 years
• Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, President and CEO of the Institute for Applied Knowledge Research Scientist and Author
• Host, Dr. Brett Weinstein, PhD, biology, background in Immunobiology, Dark Horse Podcast, June 2021
• Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA vaccines and DNA vaccines; world-wide expert in RNA technologies
• Steve Kirsch, Philanthropist, founded 7 companies, 2 with billion dollar valuations. Currently involved in researching the safety of the COVID vaccines with 20 other scientists, doctors, and statisticians. What has been found is very troubling. You can see his recommendations for treating COVID, vaccine injury, and vaccine safety at www.skirsch.io
• Dr. Jane Ruby is a Washington DC health economist and New Right political pundit with fascinating conservative insights and breaking news in the world of New Media http://drjaneruby.com/

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