Jason Barnard, The Brand SERP Guy, talks about search engine result pages and knowledge panels

2 years ago

In an interview with John Kremer of the Book Marketing Success Podcast, Jason Barnard, The Brand SERP Guy, talks about search engine result pages and knowledge panels.

Jason Barnard is author of The Fundamentals of Brand SERPs for Business: Google Is Your New Business Card and It Is Up to You to Optimize Yours.

Brand SERPs are search engine result pages generated by Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo when users type a set of words into a search engine to discover more details for information they seek.

Jason Barnard, The Brand SERP Guy, teaches people how to convince search engines to showcase the optimal details about themselves, their companies, or their brand names. As Jason notes,

Think of the Google search results for your brand name as a digital business card—the single most important online representation of your brand message.


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