Ukraine and militarism blend well with queer culture and is Poland able to send troops to Lviv?

2 years ago

"On the Barricades" - s04e40

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This week's episode of "On the Barricades" is divided into two parts, with our special guest being show friend and Eastern-Europe affairs expert Malgorzata Kulbaczewska-Figat in both. She is a Polish journalist who was previously the deputy editor of the Polish leftist platform She is now an independent journalist and one of the founders of the podcast Cross-Border Talks, which can be found at this link:

In this first installment, we discuss the rather unexpected crossover between LGBT advocacy, queer culture, and the issue of the 'Collective West' arming Ukraine's official authorities. We now have a new White House spokesperson, who is said to be a daring queer figure who could be a competent speaker for the American president. However, this is clearly some sort of virtue signaling, which of course has no bearing on reality, particularly political or military reality. It provides a strange veneer of morality and correctness to the well-oiled American killing machine. Ukrainian flags are carried alongside rainbow flags on demonstrations in Eastern Europe, as if this country is a haven for nonheteronormative people. What is causing this? And why isn't the LGBT community protesting this rather obvious use of their symbols and legitimate struggles to support Western imperialism and other similar phenomena?

At the end of the discussion, we also address a critical issue raised by Sergey Naryshkin, the head of Russian foreign intelligence, that the Polish authorities are considering invading Ukraine from the West and occupying a significant portion of its territory in order to fulfill its allegedly never-ending expansionist dream and reclaim some of the lands that belonged to the Polish state prior to WWII. Is there any truth to this?

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