Your Guide To Perversion 2004-09-08

2 years ago

"Your Guide to Perversion" is taken from the 'Sutro Tower Video' educational films' collection. It was produced in conjunction with United Filth Mongers, LLC, screenplay by Maury Vice, and was created with a grant of bagels from White Bread Productions, Ltd., an American Corporation. The film attempts to educate the average, righteous American, such as John Q. Public, and his average, upstanding world cousin, such as Igor X. Publique, regarding the horror and pitfalls that face fine, respectable folk throughout the world as they attempt to live good, decent lives during this era of evil, mass-produced, tasteless stimulation.

Many of the oft-seen perversions are explored in this movie, such as the sins of under-utilized caffeine, homosexualism, double entendre shampoo, lesbianism, sadism, radioactive atomically energetic militarism, mob starvation riotism, communist-coached sex educationalism, pornographicism, and other 'isms' left unnamed. Strategies for coping in a perverted world are offered the viewer, particularly those revolving around government-sponsored perversion shelters, which have been built in the United States in every town and city to house all upstanding, incorruptible American families in their efforts to remain normal.

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