Digging Tomato Graves...

3 years ago

(update May 2022: no sign of those buried tomatoes in the new garden! They were deep enough that the tiller didn't turn them up and no new seedlings.)
Stan tried something new this year...uh, have you ever seen the movie "Holes"? Well, that's what our garden looked like! He wasn't digging for a treasure chest, he was digging tomato graves!

Instead of pulling up the tomato and pepper plants whole and throwing them on a pile to dry up and burn, he first plucked off all the tomatoes and dumped them in mass graves. Then he tilled the ground. After this video, Stan decided to do the same thing with the hot peppers. Except I kept the jalapenos. I helped a bit with the peppers--but not the rotten ones. "Can't we just leave the rotten ones on the plants?" Guess not...

Last garden update because nothing is left but a few sweet peppers, our snow peas...and those disappointing fennel plants that made no seeds at all for tea!

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