Contrasts: Humongous Onions and Minuscule Monarchs

3 years ago

(I spelled "minuscule" wrong on the title page! Sure seems like it should start with the word "mini"!)
The magic rhubarb patch has grown giant onions now as well! Maybe I should plant some magic beans there...But no, we planted more beans where Stan dug the red potatoes. Not the magic kind. We are wanting giant produce, not actual giants! The newest corn went from short to giant in one week. That inch of rain we got sure made a difference in the garden (and in the local fields of corn and beans)

I don't know how the Monarch butterflies find common milkweed plants but I found a teeny tiny caterpillar on a very small milkweed. I'll have to keep an eye on it. Mid-July...sweet corn will be ripening within the next week. Hope the raccoons don't find it first...

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