3/3/22 Wyoming Patriots cheered for the Convoy along I-90 across the entire state! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸš›πŸššπŸ›»πŸ¦–πŸš™πŸš—

2 years ago

The proud patriots of Wyoming from Sheridan to Beulah, packed the I-90 overpasses and lined I-90 to cheer for the American Freedom Convoy on 3/3/22! We joined the People’s Convoy who has since traveled to California and is currently headed back to DC. Msm is not covering the convoy even though they’ve been on the road since February; therefore, it is up to us to get the information out! We are not alone! Ps. Banner had an amazing turnout, I might’ve yelled a little more. Sorry not sorry πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

#thankyou #weloveyou #wyoming #PrehistoricPatriot #americanfreedomconvoy #freedomconvoy #usaconvoyforfreedomπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ#truckersconvoy2022 #americanpatroit #veteransforfreedom #unitedwestand #worldfreedomrally #USA #convoy #honkforfreedom #truckersforfreedom #fightforyourfreedoms #lovewins #freedom #endmandates #endemergencyorders #callyourreps #votethemout #lockthemup #convoyforfreedom2022

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