04/20/21 Tue: Sicknick RIP; Dem Women Troublemakers; LGBT HIV

3 years ago

0:00 Tue, Apr 20, 2021
1:13 Are You the Walrus? Furthermore
4:54 Hey, guys!
6:10 Riots, Sicknick, Ladies
19:22 Rick from Maine
31:07 White Boy Summer
35:40 It's 4/20
39:21 Hake on the street?
41:52 Alexis from Texas
55:04 Un-American!
55:40 Thomas in CA
1:04:42 Tease: Vaccines, Trans
1:02:12 Don't do suicide
1:03:10 Letter to Myself, Furthermore
1:06:34 Feedback on music
1:09:23 University mandates vaccines
1:09:53 Linkin Park, etc
1:10:46 Tease: "Trans Women"
1:11:07 Miserable white song
1:12:04 Social Pariah, Denver, CO
1:22:37 4 in 10 Trans have HIV
1:25:52 Dr Demetre Daskalakis
1:30:24 Apple lets Parler back in
1:33:35 Christopher in CA
1:47:09 King Guala, Miami, FL
1:49:35 Knowledge is poison
1:51:18 Josh Hawley vs 'Big Tech'
1:53:51 No 2A for felons?
1:56:18 Zach, Columbus, OH
1:58:01 Trick in MT
1:59:26 Thanks, all!

The Hake Report, Tuesday, April 20, 2021: Capitol Officer Brian Sicknick (RIP) reportedly died after strokes, not beaten with a fire extinguisher! Tlaib, Maxine, Nervous Nancy all support evil. GREAT CALLS, THANKS! CDC: 4 in 10 trans have HIV!
Also check out Hake News from today.

Rick from Maine defends yesterday’s passionate statement, and says "judge not..."
Alexis from Texas gives an update on life and talks about smears on police.
Thomas from California asks advice on dealing with "beta" family members, his youngest bro.
Social Pariah from Denver, CO asks about Climate Change and filtering truth from lies.
Christopher from California wants to ban Kosher/Hallal to regain peace and unity in America.
King Guala from Miami, FL expresses well-wishes to JLP and Hake, thanks!
Zach from Columbus, OH teases a controversy over school staff, pro-BLM vs anti.

BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/4/20/042021-tue-sicknick-rip-dem-women-troublemakers-lgbt-hiv

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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