Obama's army. Is it Antifa and BLM? What say you?

2 years ago

Obama admitted in his memoir that he chose his friends carefully among them the structural feminists and the Marxist -professors. In this video he talks about a national domestic army (brownshirts?) he would raise up. Welcome to Antifa and Black Lives Matter. The Lesbian leader of BLM admits she is a trained Marxist. Marxism is the opposite of Martin Luther King. Marxism says there is only matter and energy and spirit is a delusion of religious people that needs for them to go to a reeducation camp...Antifa shamelessly burn the flag and hoist the hammer and sickle of communism while BLM indoctrinates our children with critical race theory straight out of the Marxist dialectic and practice the terror and intimidation of Lenin. BLM hates the nuclear family and posits novel forms of homosexual arrangements. They also chant pigs in a blanket; fry them like bacon calling on violence on police and they chant FU Jesus calling on hatred toward Christians and their savior. The Communist Frankfurt school in 1820 saw that economic forces would not create the longed for revolution so they decided to create division between different nationalities of people. The would create strife between them to foment violence and revolution. Critical theory was born. Derrick Bell refined it into Critical Race theory that gave them an excuse to hate whites, embrace being victims and use any altercation involving different colors of people to riot, loot, burn, injure, murder and destroy. BLM is notable for it's Marxist adaptation of CRT. The goal is to destroy law and order, and destroy Judeo Christian civilization and build from the ashes the New World Order. George Soros' vision of the Open Society 666.

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