It's All Mixed Up by The Cars ~ Walk Away from the Babylon Whore...

2 years ago

It's All Mixed Up is the 9th and final song on The Cars first album, and it is tied to the song that came before it, Song #8, Moving in Stereo (8 + 9 = 17 = Q) move in Stereo is to become aligned to God thru Saving the Sacred Feminine, and Rising the Son of Man within you...what prevents us from attaining this Highest and Loftiest of achievements is our constantly falling into the endless Temptation of the False Feminine, the Babylon Whore, which is the Cabal...

Thru Ejaculatory Sex that is based upon Lust, Greed and Violence, not Love, thru the constant avoidance of Truth by telling White Lies, that lead into Mammoth ones that are designed to hurt others, thru partaking in Pleasure at all costs...Pleasure in Fake, Sweet, Processed Foods and Beverages, Pleasure in Status and Reputation, Pleasure in how one looks, versus how one Acts, Pleasure in Elevating yourself at the Expense of Others, and Pleasure in Perversion instead of thru Commitment, Care and Compassion...

Pleasure thru SIN, which is Killing our Soul in the Spiritual Realm...

And all of this is the Fruit of Falling into the Temptation of taking from the Babylon Whore, where your Rewards are immediate and palpable...this kind of Pleasure is ALWAYS ATTACHED to PAIN...within her world, you cannot have one without the other, and this has become the Reality for MOST of Humanity, who have got virtually everything dreadfully wrong...

Moving in Stereo is walking the Path laid forth by Jesus Christ...the Path that is STRAIT and NARROW, it does not meander about, it does not lead to false turns and sudden is Eternal and Always leads to Heaven Upon is the Path that leads to God, and this WAY is the Way of our Sacred Mother Mary...Magnetism, Purity, Chastity, Virgin Intentions thru the White Light of God...THIS is who we truly are, and THIS is the Work that we must ALL Do, so that we may return back Home, to the Garden, and complete our Family of the Hallowed Trinity, forevermore...

And the reason I have used images from the White Hat movie, Doctor Strange (starring Benedict Cumberbatch), is because this is the exact journey that his character went on...a LOST Man of Ego, trapped within the Matrix of the Physical, Material world, exploiting all others for the Sole purpose of exalting his own Ego, Higher and Heartlessly...his Life was ALL MIXED UPSIDE DOWN, a Lie, until he Crashed and Burned, and then Found himself, again, in the Tibetan Steppes of the Himalayas...where he had to Teach himself to LEAVE this Troubled World for something better, that which is WITHIN oneself, that which is God, that which is Moving in Stereo...Unison, Unity, ONENESS forevermore...

So, Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 73 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of can send a monetary donation to:

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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