Melanie D’Arrigo Is Bringing Progressive Change To #NY03

2 years ago

Melanie D’Arrigo is a progressive Democrat running for New York's 3rd district. She is running on a platform of ending corruption, Medicare-for-All, Green New Deal, cutting military budgets, and protecting a woman's right to choose. She has entered a crowded field but has the right platform to bring true change to the citizens of her district.

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And we are now joined by Melanie D'Arrigo, candidate for congress in New York's third district. Which are Nassau county Long Island and a few other parts right? Am I right?
Yes, historically it has been part you know the north shore of long island Suffolk County Nassau County, and also northeastern Queens. Right now we're waiting to see what the new district lines look like.
All right well yeah fingers crossed. I mean, hopefully, it doesn't change too much right. How do you campaign if you're not sure what your district is going to be?
Yeah well you know look we always knew this was going to be a redistricting year. So you know I'm an organizer so we were very strategic and surgical about where we were doing our knocking and our voter outreach and where we were doing our visibility. When the initial lines were redrawn we were redistricted into a district that had five counties. part of the Bronx and Westchester a little bit of the coast of Westchester up to the Connecticut border. so that was a little bit tricky to you know travel around and get to know all these new voters. but those maps you know have been thrown out by the courts due to extreme gerrymandering. And now you know we're awaiting our new map. so we're going to continue doing what we do best and that's just being surgical and strategic about our voter outreach.
awesome well I should say Melanie is a progressive candidate, Medicare-For-All, Green New Deal, ending corruption, and cutting military budgets. all the good stuff and you have run in this district before because it used to be represented by tom Swazi who is now running for governor in what I perceive as an ill-fated choice. but who knows. How did that open things up for you? I mean there's a lot of candidates in your primary but you've run in this district before. Do you feel like you kind of have a leg up given the fact that it's such a crowded field and you've run before?

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