"It's A High Security Area". ID Refusal. Snitch Culture. State Police. Everett. Boston. Mass.

3 years ago

This was 2 interactions one on Monday April 19th 2021 at approximately 9:33 in the other on Tuesday April 20th 2021 at approximately 10:20. The 1st set of interactions was outside of the Exelon generation gas terminal in Everett Massachusetts. The 2nd interaction was outside of the North gate at Massport Logan airport.

The 1st interaction shows just how much this culture is wrapped up in the see something say something, how people think a camera is suspicious. It also shows how the Everett Police Department is now very well trained on the 1st Amendment "right to free press".

The 2nd interaction is pretty telling on many levels. A couple of those levels are the state police A troop down at Logan airport now has body cameras. This has changed since the last time I was down there. The 2nd level is the couple things I got the trooper to admit to while talking to him. All of these interactions are showing the changes that we are making out here in the field.

Please let me know what you think of all these interactions in the comment section down below!!! I can guarantee some new good footage coming up in the next couple weeks because I am going to be travelling out of this general area. I thank you for all the support boosting mass accountability over 32000 subscribers and counting!!! Donations are happily and humbly accepted!!! Much love, respect and appreciation!!!

Main Gate Interaction Exelon Generation:

Side Gate Interaction Exelon Generation:

7 Staties Dismissed Massport Logan Airport Gate:


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