"Something Astonishing" Comes in November: Leftist Monsters Unmasked Will Now Meet Justice

2 years ago

Politics is downstream from culture because it takes longer to react to politics. You get to make entertainment decisions immediately, but elections happen a year or more apart. But wait... We conservatives have been fighting rear-guard actions for decades, but Bill Whittle says, "We're going to see in November something astonishing."

The Left has already destroyed the courts, the Senate and the House, and we're in extremely difficult shape, but...when the Left is in absolute power they have to deal with reality, and then they start to fall apart. With the leak of the Supreme Court abortion ruling that would overturn Roe v. Wade, that fall began. The monsters which have ravaged our culture, politics and country are about to encounter justice.

If you liked the highlights of these recent episodes of Moving Back to America, visit the entire deep archive (along with hundreds of episodes of other shows) at https://BillWhittle.com

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