How South America Can Defeat Socialism || With Gloria Alvarez

3 years ago

On this episode of Pensive Politics, Mr. Watson interviews Guatamelan political commentator Gloria Alvarez. Gloria hosts the "Viernes de Gloria" radio program in South America, a very popular show in Guatemala. She has been featured in venues like CPAC, Prager University, Reason T.V., Atlas Network, and so forth. During this discussion, Gloria and Mr. Watson explore the political conditions of South America, focusing on everything from the Zapatistas and conceptions of private property in the region to America's involvement in several geopolitical conflicts across the area. They also discuss the current crisis in Venezuela. The conversation centers around a single question: How can South America defeat the specter of socialism?

#SouthAmerica #LatinAmericanPolitics #Politics #Socialism #Venezuela #GloriaAlvarez #Communism #Marxism #Maduro #Libertarianism #Conservatism #Populism #Nationalism

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